Birthday Week!

This is a long one, you have been warned.

Callum turned three on Tuesday and we have been celebrating pretty much all week.

We took a trip to the park on Sunday for some hiking and playing.

calbday calbday2

Then we went to pick out the birthday bike!


We had a pizza/jumping party Monday night and had a great turn out.  I seriously can’t believe the wonderful people we have met and become friends with here in such a short amount of time.  The party was a blast.

calbday4big boy!

calbday6This is the most non-blurry photo I have of him jumping, and he is airborne.

calbday7Presents!  And his very own birthday boy chair.  What a lucky guy!



Birthday morning, opening his card from Mooma and Boopa.


On Tuesday, his actual bday, we got the official go-ahead to start patching his left eye (his right eye has been turning in and he was not doing well with glasses) Surprisingly enough, he LOVES the patch.  Hallelujah!!!!!!

I may have bribed him with a left over cupcake………

I told him he could tell everyone he was a pirate, to which he responded “more like a cyclops mommy”, what a genius.  🙂

calbday12And we also had a free “happy visit” at the dentist, which the kids loved.  It was like Christmas with all the goodies they brought home!



Shades because the light is so bright and because they are so coolcalbday14


So in case you are keeping score we made him start wearing an eye patch and go to the dentist on his 3rd birthday.  Parent fail.

But Hazel did make him a present which she presented to him the night of his birthday.

calbday16it included several Hazel original drawings and a “Shrek 2” DVD, not in its case.  He was thrilled.


Happy 3rd Calzone, you bring such joy to our lives!







Published by Squibb Family Adventures

Our family of 4 (along with our dog Riggs), traveling for a year in our Minnie Winnie.

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